.. _program_listing_file_fields2cover_objectives_sg_obj_sg_objective.h: Program Listing for File sg_objective.h ======================================= |exhale_lsh| :ref:`Return to documentation for file ` (``fields2cover/objectives/sg_obj/sg_objective.h``) .. |exhale_lsh| unicode:: U+021B0 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS .. code-block:: cpp //============================================================================= // Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Wageningen University - All Rights Reserved // Author: Gonzalo Mier // BSD-3 License //============================================================================= #pragma once #ifndef FIELDS2COVER_OBJECTIVES_SG_OBJECTIVE_H_ #define FIELDS2COVER_OBJECTIVES_SG_OBJECTIVE_H_ #include "fields2cover/types.h" #include "fields2cover/objectives/base_objective.h" namespace f2c::obj { class SGObjective : public BaseObjective { public: virtual bool isFastCompAvailable() const {return false;} virtual double computeCost(const F2CSwath&); virtual double computeCost(const F2CSwaths&); virtual double computeCost(const F2CSwathsByCells& swaths); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCell&); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCells&); virtual double computeCost(double ang, double op_width, const F2CCell& cell); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCell& c, const F2CSwath& s); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCell& c, const F2CSwaths& s); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCell& c, const F2CSwathsByCells& swaths); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCells& c, const F2CSwath& s); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCells& c, const F2CSwaths& s); virtual double computeCost(const F2CCells& c, const F2CSwathsByCells& swaths); }; } // namespace f2c::obj #endif // FIELDS2COVER_OBJECTIVES_SG_OBJECTIVE_H_